Spanish for Foreigners

Spanish courses

Our Spanish course for foreigners provides the students with the necessary tools to acquire the Spanish language in a fluent and practical way due to our holistic methodology and varieties of the language that our students are exposed to in our learning sessions. This course is taught in face-to-face modality.

Select a modality
Online modality
Real-time videoconference sessions with a teacher who will actively and dynamically guide and facilitate your learning with your classmates.
Face to face
Face-to-face class sessions guided by a teacher who will facilitate your learning, in an active and dynamic way with your classmates.
Change modality
Modality: online modality
Real-time videoconference sessions with a teacher who will actively and dynamically guide and facilitate your learning with your classmates.
Modality: face to face
Face-to-face class sessions guided by a teacher who will facilitate your learning, in an active and dynamic way with your classmates.

Young people and adults from the age of 14.

Students with prior knowledge of the language may alternatively take a placement test at no cost or start from our first Spanish basic-level term.

How will classes be taught under this modality?

 You must join your online class via Zoom Video Conferencing Platform in order to contact your teacher and classmates at the time and frequency of the class you chose.

In this modality, your teacher will always accompany you in real-time, during the days and hours of classes, facilitating your learning process. Therefore, the achievement of your goals won’t stop!

Note: If your need to learn this language is related to its accreditation to obtain a University degree, please read the corresponding information carefully, in the PUCP Accreditations section.

To access this course it is required that you meet the following technical requirements:

LEVEL Daily classes Two-month daily classes Speed Up classes (see equivalences)
Basic 8 basic-level Not available 2 speed up basic-level
Intermediate 8 intermediate-level Not available Not available
Integrated Advanced Not available 2 level terms Not available


  • Spanish Course Equivalence According to The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Click here.
LEVEL Daily classes
Basic 8 basic-level
Intermediate 8 intermediate-level


  • Spanish Course Equivalence According to The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Click here.
Frequency Pedagogical hours* per day Length of each term Term fee (Peruvian Soles)
Daily classes: Monday to Friday 2 hours 1 month S/ 390.00

[See PUCP discounts here]

Two-month daily classes: Monday to Friday** 2 hours 2 months S/ 750.00

* Pedagogical hour of 45 minutes.

**Applicable only for the Advanced Spanish Integrated level.

To get the start and end dates of classes, enter the academic calendar:




Prices are referential and are subject to change at any time, without prior notice.

Frequency Pedagogical hours* per day
Length of each term Term fee (Peruvian Soles)
Daily: Monday to Friday 2 hours 1 month S/ 390.00

* Pedagogical hour of 45 minutes.

To get the start and end dates of classes, enter the academic calendar:




Prices are referential and are subject to change at any time, without prior notice.

New or re-entering students without current classification:

  • If you have knowledge of Spanish or if you have already studied with us and want to continue the learning adventure, but your classification has expired, you can take our online placement test right now.
  • In case you want to start from the first cycle, Spanish basic 1, you must fill out the registration form here.

Current students

  • If you are already an Idiomas PUCP student and you have a current classification, you must register through Extranet Idiomas, and choose the course you want to study (the branches and classroom are just a reference).

Studying material

If you purchased the virtual study material (E­book) for the Spanish course, the access code of the online book would be sent to you via email from the 3rd day of classes. Do not worry about it because your teacher will let you how to access the unit contents on the first day.

We recommend that you check your spam or spam tray if you cannot find the email.

Access to class

Once you have registered, to connect to the class at the time and frequency you chose, you must enter the ​​Extranet Idiomas from the official start date of the classes and in the «access to classes» option you will find the link to enter to the Zoom platform.

For more information, click here.

If you bought the printed material through extranet idiomas, remember that you must pick it up at the branch where you enrolled.

Once you have successfully completed any of Spanish course levels, you may request, upon payment, a certificate on behalf of Idiomas PUCP of communicative command of Spanish.

We hope the information we provide is helpful. Feel free to contact us again in case you need additional guidance

For further information about this course, contact us here.

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